Author: Kaitlyn Wells

Buyer Market Research Tool

We know you’re busy and so we want to help make your job a little easier and save you time as you work through your procurement strategy. Based on feedback from Buyers, like you, and after months of planning and coding, our dynamic marketplace continues to expand with one of our biggest feature releases yet—a Buyer Market Research Tool.

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4 Ways Contract Management Drives Enterprise Value

The Contracts Department is a key driver of enterprise-wide value, not just an isolated silo. To excel in an organization, contracts leaders must work with executives and colleagues from other departments to impact the following value drivers.

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How a Contract Management System Benefits the Whole Organization

Government contracts teams support a broad array of both internal and external customers.  It is critical for them to have the ability to provide accurate and timely data to support those customers’ needs.  They are the central resource for reporting on data requests based on contractual documents. 

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What Can You Buy On The Marketplace?

The most successful products and services procured on the marketplace always follow the rule of the 3 C’s. This rule states that successful acquisitions will have clear specifications for what is being purchased, a competitive supply base that can be engaged to provide pricing and a large enough quantity to make it a compelling spend. These three factors describe the majority of the goods and services Buyers procure for their organizations each year. Here three examples of such procurements made on Unison Marketplace.

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How Mature is Your Contracts Organization?

How mature is your contracts organization?  Are you using paper files, spreadsheets, or a compliant contract management system fully integrated with your ERP and CRM?

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